Autogenic Training or AT is one valuable solution to stress. There is no doubt that we are living in stress inducing times. In Europe AT has been is use for decades. Meditation has been a way of learning to cope with worry and calm our minds.
For many traders meditation takes too much time and too long to take affect for them. Autogenic Training with its 6 lessons and a practice of just 10 minutes 2 times a day provides a fast track to dealing with stress. AT can help reduce blood pressure, relieve headaches, lower anxiety levels and lead to deep restful sleep.
Each of the six formula works in a specific way to calm the left hemisphere of the brain and allow the right hemisphere, the stronger hemisphere, to access images attached to joy, pain, anger and excitement. Through AT we relax the musculature, calm the breath, access a warm center and a “cool” head.
Most people achieve these positive goals in 6 weeks of daily use. All of these lessons can be called on when needed. For traders, being calm while making decisions and monitoring trades is a most valuable tool.