Our Books

PROFITUNITY Trading Group has published 3 books in the last 30 years. Trading Chaos was the first of Bill Williams works, and is still a top seller today. NTD was written several years later with updated indicators for the Bull Market that was happening and his latest R&D.

Trading Chaos second edition was written by Bill and his daughter Justine Williams. They collectively changed a great deal of the methodology when the markets also started introducing a lot of new information. Such as Forex ,and beginning of electronic markets and others. All three books have great trading information and if you are looking to see the history and evolution of the PTG trading and indicators read all three!

If you want the most helpful and still pertinent information, we strongly suggest reading both Trading Chaos 1st and second edition. Our HSC focuses on the indicators in TC second edition. Some changes have been made and our reflected in the lessons.

The books are not designed to teach you the entire starting strategy, they are meant to give you an outline and opportunity to see if you like our approach to the markets. It’s a great way to start before you decide it the HSC and our methods resonate with your trading approach.

I do not believe any book can teach you how to trade, but it can be the catalyst to your finding your trading approach and way in the markets. There is a lot of information out there today about trading, be sure to find one that fits your belief system and risk adversity. Trading should be fun!




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