Discover Our Story

In 1982 Bill and Ellen Williams moved to a small town in Georgia. Bill had always been involved in the markets but at this time he decided to be dedicated to trading commodities full time and restoring an eighty year old house. His regular successful trades led to his broker to spreading the word in Chicago. It was a small circle back then, and talk about this guy in Georgia were really starting to gain momentum.
Once the word was out about this guy “Bill Williams” he was referred clients and started managing accounts for others.
This went on for quite some time until he realized he was spending more time on the phone with clients than he was doing what he loved, trading!
During this period Bill was doing a lot R & D on his trades and approach to the markets. He made and lost a considerable amount of money personally during this phase but was able to identify his problems and how the underlying structure of the markets worked. At one point he almost quit but knew this was what he had to do. Ellen urged him to keep going and she would support him no matter what.
Soon the Williams family started holding classes in the small town of Georgia and people came from all over the world to learn how to trade like Bill. Ellen provided gourmet home cooked meals and clients were able to see they were real people not just holding a seminar in a hotel room for the day.
During this time Bill started writing his first book, Trading Chaos, which is still a top seller today. He continued to study how the Science of Chaos and the markets were related. After some discoveries Bill and Ellen hired some mathematical programmers that had access to a main frame computer to help find where the market would be without any new coming information. This turned into the “Alligator” indicator. The Smoothed Moving Average lines 5/3,8/5,13/8, all happened to Fibonacci numbers. This was no coincidence Bill thought. He knew the market was non-linear contrary to popular beliefs. A + B did not always equal C on the charts!
So Bill had made his final improvements, analyzed his R & D phase and completed his first book Trading Chaos. The MACD, The Fractal, The Alligator, The Thumb trade, were all part of the system he was creating and trading. Wiley published Trading Chaos and that is how it all started…

This was proving to be a long bull run market and the indicators worked even better than before. The more time he spent trading the more he learned and was able to continue to make the system better.
With a PH.D in Psychology and a mathematician, he was able to identify some of the common issues and how to address these issues with his clients. The more classes taught, the more apparent this became. He had seen this now for several years and was able to make some brilliant discoveries about traders and how their mind works. He would say “We don’t trade the markets we trade our belief systems”.
Bill knew that trading was not just buying and selling stocks and futures/commodities and bonds. It was an emotional journey, that could be very painful if not done correctly. He would often say trading can be like having “naked psychotherapy” with yourself in a mirror!
Bill also learned how important it was to “Be in Tune With the Market.” Which led to “Want What The Market Wants.” These were some of his most profound discoveries about the markets and how traders trade.
Things really began changing for the Williams family, living in a small town in Georgia made it very difficult for people to travel to learn from Bill. The closest airport was hours away, there was not even a motel in the same town let alone a hotel with room service.
So Bill and Ellen decided to first move to Alabama. Then Texas, where PROFITUNITY Trading Group, really started to grow and become known around the world to traders. Ellen and staff took care of the business side while Bill traded and taught.
Justine Williams joined the family business in Texas soon after finishing Nursing School. She started trading very quickly, and was involved in the Tutorial classes as much as possible. It was only a year before she had doubled her trading account and was teaching part of the Tutorial classes and detailed Elliott Wave counts. Bill was so proud..
Justine knew this was what she was meant to do. Working alongside her father every day for so many years was the best education a trader could ask for. Having been raised by two PH.D’s in Psychology gave her an advantage to understanding how “humans’ work, especially in the markets.
At this point Bill’s trading was going so well his new brokers were now sending him students, to teach them how to trade. The Private Tutorials were booked for months in advance.This is when Bill started writing his second trading book “New Trading Dimensions” which made significant changes to the PTG methods.

This is when the first PROFITUNITY Trading course was created on VHS tape with supporting trading materials.
With traders now having access to the written materials, video lessons, and not just seeing Bill and Justine trade in person the methods became a staple in the trading world.
Courses were being sent all over the world to traders.
Eventually the markets started changing, Forex, internet and more traders coming into the arena helped the creation of the third book.
Trading Chaos second edition which Bill and Justine wrote together with their new R&D results.
Trading is simple, not easy once humans start to overcomplicate it, as we overcomplicate everything. It’s human nature.
Bill was one of the first teachers and traders to incorporate the psychological aspect and how emotions of a trader affect the outcome in the markets.
Bill created ways to work on yourself and the identify the belief systems that were getting in the way of trading successfully.
The large trading conferences started to take off, as this was the only place to really meet and see all the trading strategies and platforms available.
It was not long before Bill, Ellen and Justine were traveling the world and Bill and Justine were speaking at events and educating traders with the PTG methods. Bill was featured in magazines, interviewed multiple times, on financial news television and written about in many trading books. (The Intuitive Trader) He was a master in the markets and the real deal!
Eventually Bill traveled to Asia with a panel of top traders to speak to other traders. Some of the company on that tour was Larry Williams, Jake Bernstein…

This really changed the approach to the markets. It was a big change from the previous book New Trading Dimensions.
Soon after in 2000 Justine decided to move to Miami and take PROFITUNITY with her. She continued to teach and trade in her home as Bill and Ellen had done, as it was time for them to retire and enjoy life.
In time Justine married and moved to California. Bill and Ellen soon followed, so PROFITUNITY was all back together again!
Justine created the current trading course that focuses on Trading Chaos second edition indicators.
This system is still working today even with the constant changes in the markets. She also felt that the PTG method is a “holistic approach to the markets.”
And created a platform to support that. Justine has continued to teach full time and develop trading practices that she and Bill developed. Her Coaching program is how she continues to share her knowledge and passion with other traders. It has been almost 3 decades, and Justine has seen it all! From calling your orders into your broker to all online trading.
There have been some minor changes over the last few years, and they are taught in the Online Coaching classes. Online Coaching replaced the Private Tutorials in 2016. Today the PROFITUNITY indicators are well known all over the world. The PROFITUNITY.
The world lost a great man in 2019, but his daughter Justine will continue to honor his legacy and his life’s work.
“May All That You Wish For Be The Least That You Receive.”BILL WILLIAMS