The Profitunity Wiseman Indicators for eSignal is a very popular choice with our students for market charts and data. Stocks, futures, indexes, funds and FOREX markets are all available in their charting package in many different price ranges for all levels of Profitunity traders.
We provide the Profitunity Wiseman Indicator package for eSignal, along with configuration instructions, to our Home Study Course students at no charge. In addition, if you have an account with Interactive Brokers, OptionsXPress, and several other brokers, you can use eSignal for your charting and get all of your exchanges at no additional charge.
eSignal software is able to correctly display the Alligator Trading System including the Bullish and Bearish Divergent Bars, the Fractal trade indicators, Squat Bars, and the Super AO signals. eSignal even offers a 30-day trial (except exchange fees) to Profitunity Students who are trying eSignal for the first time. To learn more about eSignal, or to sign up for the trial, call Joe Bangkot at eSignal at 800-322-1353 directly or contact us via e-mail.
If you would like to sign up with eSignal you may sign up through one of these two links for either the eSignal Premier Plus or eSignal Premier package. However, in order to acquire the Wiseman Indicators for eSignal, you must be a Profitunity Home Study Course student.